Ep.1 What is ServiceNow?

ServiceNow has nearly unlimited possibilities of configuration or customization to your business needs. However, like any change, system customization can be tricky and needs to be thought out.

Get inspired by our experts who discuss problematic examples of ServiceNow customisation and he lessons that can be learnt from them.



About the webinar

Any change is a challenge. In this video, SPOC Experts discuss the real cases of ServiceNow customization projects that were more challenging than others.

Check out these real-life stories and the dos and don’ts of ServiceNow customization.

What we’ll talk about:

  • OOTB, customization and configuration – what is the right way to go?
  • what are the customization best practices
  • what questions to ask, when you’re planning to customize the Platform

Our Experts

Michał Sadowski

Senior ServiceNow Technical Consultant

Technical Consultant with over 10 years of experience in IT, business analysis and service delivery. Michał is engaged in the full lifecycle of ServiceNow implementation and maintenance projects for OOTB and custom products (inc. ITSM, CSM, ITBM, PA, CMDB, Contract Management) as well as system integrations for global clients.

Speaker Alberto

Alberto Colombo

Senior ServiceNow Consultant

Senior consultant with 5 years of experience on ServiceNow Platform and 10 years in consultancy, initially in Italy and now in Luxembourg for EMEA and global clients.

The phases in which Alberto is mostly involved are the presales phase, workshop sessions, and project delivery.

His specialties are in CSM, ITSM, SPM, and CSDM topics.